
High Performance Computing

About the Laboratory

HPC Lab offers unique solutions of complex problems like uncovering hidden characteristics, exploring unknown correlations in natural phenomena as well as predicting market trends and even estimating customer preferences using techniques like HPC (high-performance computing), AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Big Data analytics.

The HPC Lab offers reliable and sustainable (24/7) computational resources, meeting the needs of the research and academic community as well as those of the small and medium enterprise sector on a national and regional level.

HPC Lab is included in the international network, which disseminates information about the services that users receive from laboratories with verified international presence. More information HERE


Current Activities
  • Conducting research using highly scalable modeling and simulation methods with massive parallelism and data storage.
  • Conducting educational masters and doctoral courses in computer science, high performance computing, high performance computing.
  • Regular intensive training for users on a tailored-on-demand basis.
  • Collaborative research and projects in partnership with European supercomputing centres.

Services and Equipment

  • Services related to potential parallel software development
  • Tests of computational and numerical models
  • Computing resources for academic teams and business users

Information about the available software HERE

*New software is installed upon user request

  • The Nestum Cluster, which the laboratory has at its disposal, is the second most efficient supercomputer in Bulgaria:
  • The HPC cluster Nestum has 24 compute nodes, Fujitsu Primergy RX2530 M1 servers, equipped with 2 Intel Xeon E5-2698v3@2.3 GHz processors. Each processor consists of 16 cores, and the file system is maintained via a high-speed Infiniband subsystem.

More information about the hardware HERE

Scientific Publications

Related Scientific Publications
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Prof. Dr. Ana Proykova
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Head of the laboratory

Scientific Areas:

Theoretical and Computational Physics, Optimization Algorithms, High Performance Computing, Nuclear Physics, Big Data Analytics


Prof. Dr. Ana I. Proykova, Doctor Habil, is a Full Professor at the University of Sofia, the Head of the High Performance Computing Laboratory at the Sofia Tech Park, and the Chair of the European Strategy Working Group on Data, Computing, and Digital Infrastructures. Throughout her professional career, she has worked at universities worldwide, including Belgium, Germany, Israel, Italy, the USA, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, and in the 1980s – the USSR.

She is a member of four European advisory groups (AG) for the Horizon2020 Work programme, namely on the Future and Emerging Technologies, on Science With and For Society, on Gender, and on International Cooperation. Additionally, she is a member of the Horizon2020 Program Committee on Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology, as well as a member of the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER).