Club House by Sofia Tech Park is in the top 10 in the ranking of an international competition for innovative projects of technology parks

21 September 2021

Club House – the digital studio of Sofia Tech Park and a center of clubs of interest in the field of business, science, technology and education, was ranked in the top 10 in the competition for innovative projects organized by the International Association of Technology Parks (IASP).

The announcement of the first ten best initiatives is the first stage of the competition, in which science and technology parks from all over the world participate. The IASP Inspiring Solutions competition continues, and voting for the final ranking of registered participants will take place during the IASP’s annual international conference on September 29.

Club House is home to 14 clubs of interest in the fields of entrepreneurship, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, space science, robotics and much more. It is located in the Business Incubator building of Sofia Tech Park and was established in February 2020. The clubs are implemented in partnership with various non-governmental organizations and associations that promote entrepreneurship, innovative potential and applied science. Just a month after its opening, Club House closed its doors due to the measures in the fight against Covid-19. In this situation, the team of Sofia Tech Park had to quickly find a solution how to continue the activities of Club House, namely – in the most suitable digital environment. Thus, at the end of April, the first online edition of the thematic event – Space Hackaton – was broadcasted. In the middle of 2020, after the measures were relaxed, the studio already had its 7 clubs of interest with online activities and in a real environment.

The active clubs at Club House today are:

Space club

AI Club

Drone + Club

Robo club

Media bricks Club

Sprouted for life Club

Biotech & Health Club

Business Club

Bulgarian Science Club

Between 2VCs club

Electromobility club

As well as Anonymous innovator Club – an initiative of Sofia Tech Park, in which start-up companies gain access to a wide audience to which to present their business idea and receive feedback from potential investors. We are about to establish two more clubs, which we expect to see soon with their first editions: Blockchain Club and Trending topics club.

The goal of all clubs of interest is to open conversations among like-minded and curious innovators in the direction of new generation innovations and technologies, to expand the network of contacts to the start-ups, the scientific community and the business in general. The Club House is the core of the Incubator, where innovative ideas, concepts, partnerships and projects are born. The space is suitable for a variety of online and hybrid format events. It is equipped with modern audio and video equipment and has a team of professionals who developed the know-how model that turned the space from a multifunctional hall into a professional digital studio for streaming and podcast productions. Since its launching, more than 140 digital and hybrid events have taken place, including international forums, conferences, hackathons and corporate presentations related to innovation, technology and the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Club House is constantly evolving, both in terms of environment and technology, and in terms of enriching the services it provides, and in terms of content.

Among some of the most memorable events were:

The role of Biodit and the importance of the Beam market for the technology sector – webinar

GrowBreakfast: FoodTech Industry in Bulgaria. Presentation of Ancestral Superfoods

Meeting of the Club of Biotechnology and Life Sciences

GrowBreakfast: Overview of the Serbian market, networking and partner search assistance

“Some millions talk…”

GrowBreakfast: Circular economy and business opportunities – part of the series of business breakfasts organized by Sofia Tech Park “GrowBreakfast”

Meeting of the AI Club

Anonymous Innovator Club: Success stories of Cosmos Thrace and

Between 2 VCs – The first edition of the newest club in ClubHouse, in partnership with the Risk Investment Fund NV3

Online WEBINAR: The building blocks of an AI and robotics

Anonymous Innovator Club: Gabrovo Green Accelerator ’21

Electromobility club

Space Club: Talking to Space (special edition)

Club House does not stop developing. We thank to all the partners of Sofia Tech Park who believed in this project. If you also want to create a club of interest to Club House or to organize your event with us, we will be happy to respond to your inquiry. For those of you who want to be part of the process and help the first place of Club House in the competition, we invite you to like the ClubHouse Facebook page and follow the ClubHouse page on LinkedIn.

IASP is the global network of science parks around the world that specialize in the innovation sector. The association acts as a bridge between the scientific and business community, contributes to the development and promotion of technology parks and their research, and promotes the internationalization of its members by expanding the network of contacts and various opportunities.

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