- Tuning the photocatalytic activity of carbohydrate-derived humins via ball milling: Insights by experimental and chemometrics approach, Tzvetkov, G., Nedyalkova, M., Zaharieva, J., Spassov, T., Tsyntsarski, B. 2019 Powder Technology
- Calculating the Partition Coefficients of Organic Solvents in Octanol/Water and Octanol/Air Nedyalkova, M.A., Madurga, S., Tobiszewski, M., Simeonov, V. 2019 Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
- Simulation Paths of Anticancer Drugs on a Graphene Oxide Surface, Nedyalkova, M., Romanova, J., Stoycheva, J., Madurga, S. 2019 Carbon Nanostructures
- Chemomertic Risk Assessment of Soil Pollution, Nedyalkova, M., Simeonov, V. 2019 Open Chemistry
- Chemometric assessment of soil pollution and pollution source apportionment for an industrially impacted region around a non-ferrous metal smelter in Bulgaria, Dimitrov, D.S., Nedyalkova, M.A., Donkova, B.V., Simeonov, V.D. 2019 Molecules
- How to analyze compromised data from biological experiments? Simeonova, V. 2019 Comptes Rendus de L’Academie Bulgare des Sciences
- A manganese hydride molecular sieve for practical hydrogen storage under ambient conditions Morris, L., Hales, J.J., Trudeau, M.L., Georgiev, P.A., Kaltsoyannis, N., Antonelli, D.M. Energy Environ. Sci., 2019, 12, 1580
- Desolvation process in the flexible metal-organic framework [Cu(Me-4py-trz-ia)], adsorption of dihydrogen and related structure responses, Erhart, O., Georgiev, P.A., Krautscheid, H. 2019 CrystEngComm
- Scaling and Dynamic Stability of Model Vicinal Surfaces, Krzyzewski, F., Załuska-Kotur, M., Krasteva, A., Popova, H., Tonchev, V. 2019 Crystal Growth and Design
- Modeling the impact of urbanization on local meteorological conditions in Sofia, Dimitrova, R., Danchovski, V., Egova, E., (…), Gueorguiev, O., Ivanov, D. 2019 Atmosphere
- Comparison of urban mixing layer height from ceilometer, radiosonde and WRF model, Danchovski, V., Dimitrova, R., Vladimirov, E., Egova, E., Ivanov, D. 2019 AIP Conference Proceedings
- Peering into microscale details of mountain winds, Fernando, H.J.S., Mann, J., PaLMa, J.M.L.M., Dimitrova, R., Wildmann, N., Wang, Y. 2019 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
- I. Iliev, S. Pisov, A. Proykova, HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING FOR NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY (technical report), Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ISSN:1313-8995), 18, № 2, pp.39-41, eds. E. Balabanova, E. Mileva, Sofia, 2018
- Nikola Drenchev, Mali H. Rosnes, Pascal D. C. Dietzel, Alberto Albinati, Konstantin Hadjiivanov, and Peter A. Georgiev, Open Metal Sites in the Metal–Organic Framework CPO-27-Cu: Detection of Regular and Defect Copper Species by CO and NO Probe Molecules
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- Olzat Toktarbaiuly, Victor Usov, Cormac Ó Coileáin, Katarzyna Siewierska, Sergey Krasnikov, Emma Norton, Sergey I. Bozhko, Valery N. Semenov, Alexander N. Chaika, Barry E. Murphy, Olaf Lübben, Filip Krzyzewski, Magdalena A. Załuska-Kotur, Anna Krasteva, Hristina Popova, Vesselin Tonchev, and Igor V. Shvets Step bunching with both directions of the current: Vicinal W(110) surfaces versus atomistic-scale model PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97, 035436 (2018), DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.97.035436
- Filip Krzyżewski, Magdalena Załuska-Kotur, Anna Krasteva, Hristina Popova, and Vesselin Tonchev, Scaling and Dynamic Stability of Model Vicinal Surfaces, Cryst. Growth Des., DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01379
- Desislava Dimova, Stoyan Pisov, Ana Proykova, Magnetism Of Bilayer Graphene With Vacancies Volume 2, Issue 12, Page 779-782, Year 2017 | DOI: 10.5185/amp.2017/914
- D. Dimova, S. Pisov, N. Panchev, A. Proykova The role of canonical ensemble in predicting the toluene film structure under external electric field Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: Nanostructured material, application and innovation transfer, v17. No.1, pp.14-18 (2017) ISSN:1313-8995
- Desislava Dimova, Stoyan Pisov, Nikolay Panchev, Miroslava Nedyalkova, Sergio Madurga, and Ana Proykova, Insight into electric field-induced rupture mechanism of water-in-toluene emulsion films from a model system The Journal of Chemical Physics 146, 194703 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4983163
- High-Performance Scientific Computing: First JARA-HPC Symposium , JHPCS 2016, Aachen, Germany, October 4–5, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, Volume 10164 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, eds. Edoardo Di Napoli, Marc-André Hermanns, Hristo Iliev , Andreas Lintermann, Alexander Peyser, Springer International Publishing, 2017, ISBN 3319538616