Sofia Tech Park handed the first 3D cup at the Sofia Tech Park Open 2018 tennis tournament

17 December 2018

Sofia Tech Park has organized the first tennis cup “Open Fest 2018”. The venue of the competition was in indoor courts at the Tech-Sport where 32 players have participated.

Tsvetan Ivanov showed the most stable game and won the final match with 4/2 4/2 against the other finalist – Svetoslav Hinkov.

The Executive director of Sofia Tech Park JSC – Todor Mladenov gave the first cup of the tournament, created and designed by experts in the ”3D Creativity Lab and fast prototyping” of the Science and Technology Park. Mr. Madenov has also wished many personal, professional and sport successes to all the participants.

The winners of the cup got awards from the sponsors Open Fest 2018. They are companies-part from the innovation ecosystem of the Science and Technology Park: Sciant, JBoxers, as well as Sport Box – Salomon – MTK Sport.On the other side, Go4 Bulgaria and Isostar Bulgaria took care for the good vibe of the players.

Sofia Tech Park JSC and Tech-Sport are thanking to all the participants and sponsors for the active and motivated participation in the competition. Our future plans are to make this competition a traditional one.

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