The Chairman of the Supervisory board at Sofia Tech Park, Peter Statev, in an interview for BNT’s Business.BG: More than 30 programs will ensure the optimal work of the supercomputer

13 March 2021

More than 30 expressly designed programs will ensure the work of the Bulgarian EuroHPC supercomputer Discoverer and will assist in machine’s utilization at full power, as well as in performing various research works. That was announced by Peter Statev, the Chairman of the Supervisory board at Sofia Tech Park, in an interview for BNT’s show Business.BG. He pointed out that the computing power of the machine will be used for solving complex problems in different fields. “It will be used for creating digital twins of what we want to create and after that these twins will be tested using the machine. The supercomputer will be able to analyze, for example, the geological stability of whole regions. It will also be possible to simulate and study the earthquake resistance of materials instead of building an enormous center with 250 tons of concrete.” explained Peter Statev. He noted that the machine’s peak performance is 6 Petaflops of computing power, which is many times better than any other already available technology in Bulgaria. The supercomputer will support the development projects in the field of Bioinformatics, Pharmacy, Molecular dynamics and mechanics, Quantum chemistry and physics, Artificial intelligence, Personalized medicine, Bioengineering, Weather forecasting, etc.

The delivery and installation of the supercomputer’s elements have started in the specially designed for the goal building located in the science and technology park. For the fulfilment of these activities is responsible a team of specialists from Atos, a leading company in the field of digital transformation and production of high-tech. The machine’s installation is expected to be done by the end of March. The setting and testing of the systems are expected to be done by the end of April.

The project for the high-performance computing machine is implemented by “Petascale Supercomputer – Bulgaria” Consortium with Sofia Tech Park JSC as a leading partner. The candidacy of the Bulgarian consortium was approved according to the procedure of EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, through which 8 European locations were selected, on which territory will be built supercomputers designed to upgrade Europe’s computing power.

The European investment in Discoverer is 4 million euro, while the co-funding by Bulgaria is another 7,5 million euro. The necessary resources for the first 5 years of maintenance of the machine are also secured.

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