
3D creativity and rapid prototyping of new products

About the Laboratory

The main objective of the rapid prototyping laboratory is to develop a research capacity for the application of innovative technologies for materialization of virtual 3D models with complex forms in a very short time.

Specific objectives of the laboratory are – to develop the innovative potential and technological level of researchers and business, to increase the economic efficiency of innovation processes and creativity, to increase private investments in these processes. Rapid construction of conceptual, pre-series or unique products and models from ceramics, plastics and other materials.


Current Activities
  • Application of high technologies in the area of Reverse Engineering using a unique for Bulgaria 3D high precision contact and non-contact measuring system and specialized software
  • Building of conceptual, preproduction and unique products using 3D Printing technology (Low Volume Production) from polymeric materials
  • Building of conceptual, preproduction or unique products and building of preproduction or industrial moulding metal tools through the Laser Additive & High Speed Milling technology

Services and Equipment

  • Consultation on matters related to 3D modeling, rapid manufacturing technologies and manufacturability of parts and products
  • 3D modeling and design of parts, assemblies and products
  • 3D scanning and reverse engineering
  • Comparative analysis between physical and computer models
  • Workpiece geometry measurement and validation
  • Production of prototype parts and details in single pieces of metal
  • Production of prototype parts and plastic details in single pieces
  • Production of foundry equipment and products with 3D printing
  • Validation of the functionality of forming tools (metrics, deviations from form, mutual placement), and identification of wear rates.
  • Manufacturing and repairing of mold tools
  • Hybrid rapid prototyping system with integral metal addition and high-speed milling Working space for workpieces up to 650 mm, 360 mm height and 1000 kg weight.
  • Rapid prototyping system by adding material to plastic products. Work space: 1000 x 1000 x 1000 mm.
  • Rapid prototyping system for sand casting equipment. Work space: 500 x 400 x 300 mm.
  • Metrology system for precision measurement and 3D scanning system for complex 3D objects. Possibility of contact and non-contact measurement Work volume: 600 x 600 x 300 mm.


Scientific Publications

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Prof. George Todorov

Technical University – Sofia
Head of the laboratory

Scientific Areas:

Virtual Engineering, Optimization of Systems, CAD/CAM/CAE, Rapid Prototyping, Mechatronic Products, MEMS, Means of Flexible Automation, Dimensional Design


In 1987, he graduated from the Technical University of Sofia, further specializing in the UK and Japan.

Professor at the Technical University - Sofia and dean of the ITF.

Guest lecturer at Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China.

Author of more than 140 articles in his scientific fields and has over 110 completed projects in industrial, national and international programs.