A national roundtable on “Development of the National Policy for Reducing Seismic Risk through the Construction of Scientific and Applied Seismic Engineering Infrastructure” gathered in Sofia Tech Park specialists in the field of seismic engineering, representatives of ministries, municipal administrations, branch organizations and media. The event was organized by the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, the National Center for Seismic Engineering and Sofia Tech Park.
The experts agreed that it is necessary and appropriate to build and equip a new modern experimental laboratory complex for seismic engineering. The construction of the scientific unit will require BGN 25 million. The laboratory complex will be a unique scientific and applied infrastructure for Bulgaria, in which experimental studies of structures of buildings and structures will be carried out, as well as technological equipment under static and dynamic loads and impacts.
Through such a complex and the results of its scientific and applied activity, the society, through its institutions, will be able to control and constantly develop the seismic security of the significant new and existing structures on the territory of Bulgaria and its components. The round table focused on the fact that such a laboratory for modular dynamic studies of structures subjected to seismic effects is not only present in Bulgaria from the countries in our Balkan region, which is at serious seismic risk.
The experts presented information about major problems in buildings and facilities, sites of technical and critical infrastructure and the preservation of the cultural heritage of the country. On the basis of a research project completed in 2019, some characteristic features of the industrially constructed residential complexes in Bulgaria and the associated hazards to the population in case of a strong earthquake were identified.
Based on housing surveys, some provisional data on possible damages were presented as a result of a possible strong earthquake, consistent with the parameters of known such seismic events of the past. Possible solutions for reducing seismic risk were discussed during the round table, as well as the future development of seismic engineering in Bulgaria.