R & D and Innovation Consortium is a partner in a project to develop product innovation together with Heat Design EOOD

12 June 2018

On May 22, 2018, Heat Design Ltd. signed a contract № BG16RFOP002-1.005-0043-C01 for the provision of a grant with the Ministry of Economy, with the following subject: “Development of product innovation by Heat Design EOOD “. The project will be implemented in partnership with the Research and Development and Innovation Consortium at Sofia Tech Park AD. On the part of the RDIC, activities will be carried out in the Laboratory of High Performance Computing Laboratory.

The project is aimed at developing an innovative software product that is a complex solution that enables manufacturing companies of all classes to automate and maximally quickly create and manage their product range in 3D photo-realistic objects – on-line catalog with unlimited number of three-dimensional industrial products delivered to end-users, via an intuitive user interface to change, customize, and order configurable products, even without the availability of a product your sample. The software provides automation for accepting and processing custom and custom-made end products by submitting them directly to ERP software without the need for human intervention. The product is intended for manufacturing companies specializing in items such as apparel and footwear, which sell part of their production via on-line platforms and stores.

The proposed innovation falls within the thematic area “ICT and Informatics” by ISIS in the “3D Digitalization, Visualization and Prototyping” direction, which is a priority for the planning SWU where the software product will be developed.

The total amount of the investment is BGN 651 705.36, of which BGN 498 820.29 grants from the Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 (BGN 423 997.26 European and BGN 74 823.03 national co-financing) and BGN 152 885.07 own co – financing.

Overall goal of the project:

Increasing the innovation capacity and activity of Heath Design EOOD in partnership with the Research and Development and Innovation Consortium at Sofia Tech Park, in the field of ICT and Informatics, “3D Digitalization, Visualization and Prototyping”, by developing the product innovation, namely a complete, complex software solution of 3 base modules, united in a unified new technology enabling manufacturing companies to automate and maximally create 3D photo-realistic objects of their products, which without additional effort are automatically sent to their online stores, corporate webpages and other communication channels. In addition, the software solution will provide its customers with the opportunity to personalize the design, and / or replace other parameters such as materials, colors, shapes, etc. In addition to this, the software provides automation for accepting and processing custom and custom-configured end products by submitting them directly to ERP software without the need for human intervention. The innovative software solution falls into the priority ICT and Information Technology Direction from ISIS, and in particular in the sub-direction “3D Digitization, Visualization and Prototyping”, which is a priority for the planning SWU where innovation will be developed.

Specific objectives of the project:

• Develop innovative European-wide and global product innovation (software) to stage TRL6;
• Increasing the innovation capacity and activity of the company in partnership with a Bulgarian scientific organization;


• Enhanced innovative capacity of the applicant and partner;
• Creating a prototype of the software solution;
• Hired a highly productive cluster system for the realization of research and development;
• An outsourced service related to consulting services for the capabilities of integration of the product being developed with the different types of management and manufacturing software used by companies, potential customers of innovation and shoe technology consulting services, shoe prescriptions and the types of technology available;
• Hired 6 Experts engaged in the implementation of the research work related to the activity that has undergone the following stages:
-1) Preparation of architecture, preparation of bases for the following work;
-2) Development of module “Product administration”
-3) Development of module “Product Synthesizer
-4) Development of module” Visualiser and configurator “;

• Developed product innovation at the sixth level of technology readiness TRL 6, namely technology demonstrated in a relevant environment;
• A prototype of innovative software tested in a relevant environment;
• Research-related work related to the activity has gone through the following stages:
• Integration and synchronization of modules – Web programming – Database optimization – Design – Program code validation and debugging – Optimization of performance – Testing and simulation – Security testing – Web design compatibility design – 3D prototyping on the web;
• Simulations of real environment and beta-testing;
• Integrated all scientific achievements, subject of activity 1;
• Prototype of the software product;
• Purchased and implemented 1 pc. CAD software for 3D design needed for the development of innovative software (for the needs of Heat Design EOOD);
• Provided access to 3 pcs. software licenses required for the development of innovative software (for the needs of Heat Design EOOD);
• Greater efficiency in innovation development;
• Achieving better results than research and development;
• Built, installed and put into operation the following FTA: Laptop (Type 1) – 2 pcs. laptop (type 2) – 1; professional ups – 1; server – 1 pc. and monitor – 1 pc. – providing the necessary hardware infrastructure for efficient work of the research team on innovation development (for the needs of Heat Design EOOD);

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