The HPC laboratory organizing training for work with high performance systems at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University on 12 and 13 of June 2019; 10-16:00, hall 314.
The High Performance Computing Laboratory (HPCL) is an Associate Partner (through the Research and Development and Innovation Consortium ) of the UNITe – BG05M2OP001-1.001-0004 Centre of Excellence funded by the ERDF- UNITe stands for Universities for Science, Informatics and Technology in e-society.
Lecturer: Dr. Hristo Iliev, expert in the HPC lab, (RWTH Aachen University, Germany 2011-2018; since 2019 Chief Data Scientist at, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Remote access to high-performance computing systems
- Understanding the distributed resource management system (in other words, “what does the work of a shared computing cluster differ from the work of the personal PC”)
- Overview of distributed system programming methods
Level of participants:
basic knowledge of Linux or other Unix-like OS (macOS, * BSD).
able to edit text files in the console with editors such as vim, emacs, nano.
Knowledge of C or Python programming.