The HPC laboratory organizing training for work with high performance systems

11 June 2019

The HPC laboratory organizing training for work with high performance systems at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University on 12 and 13 of June 2019; 10-16:00, hall 314.

The High Performance Computing Laboratory (HPCL) is an Associate Partner (through the Research and Development and Innovation Consortium ) of the UNITe – BG05M2OP001-1.001-0004 Centre of Excellence funded by the ERDF- UNITe stands for Universities for Science, Informatics and Technology in e-society.

Lecturer: Dr. Hristo Iliev, expert in the HPC lab, (RWTH Aachen University, Germany 2011-2018; since 2019 Chief Data Scientist at, Amsterdam, Netherlands)


  1. Remote access to high-performance computing systems
  2. Understanding the distributed resource management system (in other words, “what does the work of a shared computing cluster differ from the work of the personal PC”)
  3. Overview of distributed system programming methods

Level of participants:

basic knowledge of Linux or other Unix-like OS (macOS, * BSD).

able to edit text files in the console with editors such as vim, emacs, nano.

Knowledge of C or Python programming.

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